Forthcoming Books


About the Book

On Sacred Ground - The Little School At The Top Of The Hill

To Be Published : October 2026

At the top of a steep hill in a small village in Hertfordshire there’s a piece of land that, seven hundred years ago, was deemed so sacred it became the seat of all power in England.

Sparing no expense, an enormous and magnificent palace was built on the site – one to rival Westminster in London.

For the next two hundred years or so, much of the power that ruled England came to and went from that palace. Kings and Queens lived there, Princes were born there – and yet, today, there is virtually nothing to show that such a vast and beautiful building – the lost ‘home’ of the Plantagenet Kings of England – ever existed.

Imagine, if you can, a building the size and splendour of Westminster Cathedral simply vanishing from the face of the earth. How can this be?

This book reveals the fate of that lost palace of the Plantagenets, and the story of the school that was eventually built on what was sacred ground.

About the Book

My School Days - The Truth About Waldorf/Steiner Education

To Be Published : December 2027

For years questions have been asked about the strange nature of the education provided by the secretive and elitist Waldorf/Steiner private schools in England, Europe and around the world.

My former Waldorf/Steiner school in Hertfordshire was closed by Ofsted in 2018 following a public enquiry into inappropriate misdealing's with children and their education; but other Waldorf/Steiner schools in the UK and throughout the world thrive by completely shunning enquiry and investigation.

This book reveals the shocking truth about an education system that claims to protect and enlighten children, but is in reality openly racist, elitist and no stranger to drug abuse and scandal, having become a safe haven for paedophiles.

Using first-hand accounts from former students and teachers, this is a ‘must read’ account for any parent considering sending their children into the Waldorf/Steiner pedagogy, in what must be one of the most controversial education cover-ups in history.

Possibly the most controversial book on children's education you will ever buy, this is a must read and a warning for parents.